Test and train: preparing your people for phishing attacks

Learn how to strengthen security with training and simulated attacks in our on-demand webinar

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Why is simulated phishing important?


Even with all the right protections in place, you can’t guarantee that a rogue email won’t make it to an employee’s inbox, which can be the biggest risk to your cyber security. With a simulated phishing exercise, you can teach your employees how to spot a phishing attack so they won’t fall victim to a real one. 

Continuous testing with simulated phishing exercises can help you: 

  • Prevent data breaches
  • Monitor your attack rate
  • Ensure your people have security awareness

Take steps to meet new cyber insurance requirements 

Not only does simulated phishing ensure your organisation is compliant with the latest regulations, but it can also benefit your cyber insurance premiums. Insurance companies are changing their approach – they see that the user can be the biggest risk, so even if you have all the cyber essentials in place, there is now a requirement for security awareness training.  

Meet your speaker

Dan Sharp

Dan Sharp

Business Director
Mirus IT


Robert Hall

Product Marketing Manager